Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Let the communication begin!

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much”
Helen Keller 

Marisa has been her usual, amazing best friend... she is my advocate. After speaking my frustrations and concerns to her, she realized our lack of communication with Isabella is very challenging and difficult. Sign language can be a way to help minimize these frustrations. We thought this blog can be used to keep everyone in touch with Isabella's growth and allow you to participate in learning how to understand her means of communication. Marisa came up with the beautiful title... Sign of Love. We are excited to do this together as a family. Isabella's face lights up when we teach her a new sign and I know it will mean the world to her when she sees those she loves signing back. Thank you for your willingness to help her grow!

Here are some signs that Isabella uses frequently. I copied these signs from here (you can click on the picture to enlarge it). Nice website!

These signs she is familiar with, but we are trying to perfect the consistency.

This website has video clips of tons of signs. You can search for particular signs by typing in the box on the bottom right. You may find it useful if the pictures are confusing. I hope to update soon with the newest set of signs. Love you all!


  1. For those old folks like me, you can click on the pictures to get a clearer and larger view of the signs.

  2. SO Beautiful !!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy and overjoyed about Isabella's progress and her new communication!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Goose bumps and tears coming down my face....Can't wait to see you guys and be able to sign! Thank you so much for doing this beautiful blog too! Isabella is such a joy and inspiration to me and to all of us:))))))))) We love her and you, Jack, Veronica, and baby belly so much!!!!!!!! Hope to see you soon:) Mom and Dad
